Discover the joy

of movement through Pilates.

It's no secret that at times, feeling good in movement can seem like an insurmountable challenge. Many traditional programs advocate stepping out of your comfort zone in order to experience growth and progress. But this can be overwhelming for those who are already experiencing pain.

Working with me, we begin from a place that remembers how to feel good and build from there.  Through guided movement, we create an environment where you can rediscover the joy of pain-free living to support your recreational sport activities as well as your life as a whole.

Every individual is unique, and so are their movement requirements. Rather than offering a one-size-fits-all approach, personalised programs are tailored to each client's specific needs and goals. By understanding your movement and preferences, I can create a program that respects your comfort zone and helps you progress at your own pace.

Unlock the potential within your body and feel the strength, confidence, and empowerment that comes with mindful movement. It's time to feel good again.

Nestled in the leafy countryside of Hadley Wood, Barnet, my boutique Pilates studio offers my clients a retreat from their busy every day lives. Experience private one to one sessions that are tailored just for you.


H E R E ‘ S H O W I C A N H E L P :

1:1 Introduction Session

I love to get to know each and every client - your history, your goals and your why’s. In your Intro session we do this

1:1 Studio Session

After your introduction session, this is where we can start your ongoing Pilates journey together

The Studio

The studio is based in the lower ground floor of my house.  Light, clean and airy with air conditioning, windows looking out onto the garden with opaque blinds for added privacy.

I designed the studio to create a feeling of welcome calm, a place to connect the body and mind, to promote a sense of well-being and to have a positive movement experience.

The studio is equipped with state of the art Balanced Body equipment.  There are 2 reformers – an Allegro 2 and a Studio.  A trapeze table, a ladder barrel, a split pedal chair and spine correctors.  I have thick Pilates mats and small equipment so no need to bring your own, unless you’d like to.


About Me

I’ve been practicing Pilates for just under ten years where it brought such profound changes to my life that I felt a calling to train as a teacher.

Since qualifying, the joy of seeing my clients leave the studio feeling taller, more mobile, confident and pain free never fails to show me that I made the right decision to change career course.

Whether you're motivated by a desire to enhance your overall well-being or have been referred to Pilates due to an injury or joint pain, I am here to help with your journey, empowering you to make significant progress towards a stronger, more flexible, pain-free body.

Contact me today and let me help you achieve your movement goals.

W H Y P I L A T E S ?


Finding balance and stability is a fundamental aspect of both physical and emotional well-being. Through Pilates, you will enhance your body's balance, flexibility, stability, strength and performance. As well as recognising the importance of having fun and devoting time to yourself. Your Pilates sessions will provide a space where you can let go, unwind, and enjoy the process. Embrace the opportunity to connect with your body, rejuvenate your mind, and embrace a little "me" time.

Whatever your ‘why’s, we can work together to identify what is important and motivating for you personally.



If you’re ready to take the next step in your movement journey, I’d love to hear from you…